Students help crush herbs from their pizza garden with the help of the cafeteria manager Mrs. Flo

Last spring, kindergarten students at Page Jackson Elementary School embarked on an exciting learning adventure by planting a Pizza Garden! Inspired by the book Pizza Day by Melissa Iwai, Mrs. Jennifer Walter’s class brought the idea to the school’s Outdoor Classroom Committee and Principal Nicole Shaffer. The vision quickly blossomed into a collaborative effort involving the entire school community.

“We wanted to bring the story to life and give the kids a chance to experience every step of the process, from planting to eating,” Mrs. Walter explained. “The students were so excited to plant tomatoes, onions, peppers, and herbs in hopes of creating their very own pizza lunch in the fall.”

Throughout the summer, the garden was carefully watered and maintained despite the challenges of dry, hot weather. When fall arrived, students worked together to enjoy the results of their efforts.

“It was amazing to see their reactions as we harvested the tomatoes and herbs,” said Mrs. Walter. “Even with some produce loss, they were proud of what they had grown.”

Each grade had a unique role in bringing the pizza to life. First and second graders prepared the tomatoes and mixed in the dried herbs from the earlier harvest. Meanwhile, second graders turned the book Pizza Day into a writing activity, crafting a recipe for the pizza sauce.

“Our incredible cafeteria team, led by Ms. Flo, really brought the recipe to life,” shared Mrs. Walter. "They cooked up a wonderfully delicious sauce!"

The project culminated in a memorable Pizza Day, where students from Pre-K to second grade made individual pizzas using the sauce they had helped create.

“Seeing their faces light up as they made and ate their pizzas was the best part,” Mrs. Walter said. “They truly felt like they were part of something special.”

Beyond Pizza Day, Mrs. Walter’s class also enjoyed other garden delights, including spaghetti squash and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving. They're especially excited to try even more sweet potato dishes created and prepared by the talented PJE cafeteria staff.

Mrs. Walter expressed her gratitude to Principal Shaffer and the staff for their support, noting, “This project wouldn’t have been possible without everyone’s enthusiasm and teamwork. It was a wonderful way to connect learning with real-world experiences.”