Dual Credit

Dual Credit is the opportunity for Jefferson County high school students to earn high school and college credit simultaneously. Schedule a meeting with your school counselor to find out if courses will count as required or elective credits. 

High School Students: Are you interested in a career in Social Work or Nursing?

Take a look at the following Dual Credit courses a high school student can take for free!

High School Credit

University Course

English 11

ENGL 101/ENGL 102 or COMM 202/COMM 203

English 12

ENGL 101/ENGL 102 or COMM 202/COMM 203


MATH 101/MATH 105/MATH 314


BIOL 103/BIOL 104

Social Studies Elective

PSYC 101/SOCI 203/GEOG 105/PSCI 101

For more information, please contact Ian Hillman, Director of Responsive Education

Dual Credit Partners

Shepherd University


Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
(304) 260-4380

Spring 2022

  • ON Campus classes end May 14

  • Jefferson Jumpstart ends May 6

  • Jefferson Country Scholars ends May 6

Jefferson County English @ JHS and WHS

  • Ends same as high school calendar

  • Follows delivery method at local high school (on-site and virtual available) 


WVU Potomac State