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CLICK HERE to find your school district information (Basic Search)
To find your student's bus stop information, including bus number, follow the instructions below then CLICK HERE
Click on the link above to access student transportation information in Versatrans .
Enter your username and password.* The username is the student's first and last name and the password is the student's birthday.
USERNAME: firstname.lastname (eg: john.smith)
PASSWORD: The student’s birthday (mmddyyyy)
*Note to past users: All usernames and passwords have been reset to this format
You will be asked to change your password. To do this, you will need to first, re-enter the “old” password, which is the student’s birthday (mmddyyyy) then enter a new password twice. After choosing a new password, you will be redirected to the page shown on the right. Click “Students” and select “View My Students” to view the student's transportation record.